Wednesday 22 July 2015

The Post of all Posts

So Hi! I've finally found it in me to start my first blog. I don't know much about this thing 'blogging'- for now anyway, but I guess one day I'll get to a point where I actually know what I'm doing. Metaphorically looking into the unknown world of blogging right now, I'm picturing my blog is about a mixture of things (or will be when I get this over and done with):
  1. a passion of something- literally anything
  2. something I see, do or eat that NEEDS to be shared (emphasis on the eat part), or
  3. just a simple thought or question that will suddenly cross my mind that I feel needs to be shared here

But hey, who knows what this will turn into? A place where my words can inform readers? Text that will inspire this audience, to take on their own challenges? Or maybe a place where everyone can have a big laugh about me 'not knowing what the hell I'm doing'- whatever it is, only time will tell.

So, why? Why am I writing a complete mess of words... Or to put it more correctly: why are you reading this complete mess of words? Because a) hopefully, it's not nonsense, b) I'm sick of planning and not doing. For a while now I have planned to do this. And to be honest, I'm not sure what has been preventing me all this time. But, although I don't like to admit it, it was probably because I was worried about what people might think, but notice the past tense in that sentence! Afraid no more, I'm tackling this head on; the past is the past and now I'm staring down the line of now. Anyway, back to why you're still reading this, c) because I like to write- I feel like I can put my thoughts into words better than I can say them. Writing isn't some boring thing I only do when I absolutely have to. To some people, writing may be like homework, but to me, writing is... how do I put it? An escape? Something more along the lines of; writing is like freedom, continuous freedom that enables me to blurt out my thoughts that constantly circle my mind. Which brings me to the name of my blog:

Continuous Thoughts

Which hopefully now, after you just read 301 words (yes I did just word count), is pretty self explanatory. This blog is literally my continuous thoughts in writing. So... Happy reading! Let's hope my 'continuous thoughts' is a continuous flow of positivity, inspiration and laughs for anyone and everyone reading this blog.

Peri x

p.s. When I said "a passion of something" I'm generally going to be extremely passionate about it. WARNING: Kitesurfing is one of those topics, so be prepared for a feed full of Kitesurfing (don't worry, it's only the best thing ever ;) )

p.p.s.  I feel like this blog is way too many words and not enough "non-words". So here's a photo of me grating onions (who even grates onions????) 

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